(English at the bottom of the page!)
Navnet mitt er altså Hilde Stenstad og jeg bor i Trondheim sammen med 4 hunder; 3 Pyreneer-hanner og en Whippet-hann. Kjæresten min, Harald, har også en Pyreneer-hann. Guttene trives svært godt sammen, og det er aldri noe bråk i flokken!
Jeg har hatt hund siden jeg var 7 år - fikk min første hund i 1978; en Riesenschnauzer med nogo attåt (blandingsrase, med andre ord...). Hun fikk navnet Toya, og var med meg i tykt og tynt i 16 1/2 år!! Hun var en fantastisk hund å vokse opp sammen med!
Sammen med mine foreldre, eier jeg også Fransk Bulldog. De franske bor hos mine foreldre. Nå er det bare Ottar (Nuch Bullmann's Didrik) som lever - en utrolig sprek 8-åring! Vi hadde både hans far; Lego (Nuch Ottobyen's Lego Lekkerbisken) og farmor Ihne (Nuch Ottobyen's Ihne) - noen fantastiske humørspredere!!
Jeg hadde også en Tervueren; Julius (The Troubleshooter at Alcyon). Julius fikk jeg av Anita Stensheim da han var 8 år, og han levde et langt og godt liv sammen med meg til han var 14 år.
Heike var min første Pyreneerhund (Se "Minneside" og "Heike sin bok") - en koloss, både mentalt og eksteriørt. Han var utrolig spesiell for meg.
Siden har det bare "spist på seg" - og nå har jeg, som nevnt, 3 stolte Pyreneer-gutter og en Whippet-gutt (i sameie med Arne Foss).
Hundene mine bor inne, og de ligger gjerne i både sofa og seng... Med andre ord; noen bortskjemte (og høyt elskede) troll 🙂
Foruten å fly på turer i skog og mark, flyr vi åsså "land og strand" på utstillinger. Martin elsker utstillingslivet med alt det innebærer; kjøre bil, se nye spennende steder og treffe kjente og ukjente mennesker. Hans sønn Ruben har "arvet" denne gleden, så han er også med på utstillinger. Se egne sider for utstilling.
Jeg er utdannet vernepleier, og jobber i en avlastningsbolig for barn/unge med atferdsvansker/autisme + i rusomsorgen her i Trondheim - og hundene har ofte vært med på jobb. Dette trives både folk og dyr med, og det er fantastisk å se hundene sammen med disse spesielle menneskene!! Hundene reduserer agresjon, og gleden over å treffes er både hjertelig og gjensidig. Flott samspill mellom hunder og mennesker. Jeg setter stor pris på å kunne bruke hundene til et slikt formål, her gjør de virkelig nytte for seg! Hundene er mentalt meget sterke, og de er rolig og avbalansert i møte med både barna/ungdommene og rusmisbrukerne.
HildeS. & Gutta
My name is Hilde Stenstad and I live in Trondheim in the middle of Norway with my boyfriend Harald, 4 Pyrenean Mountain Dogs and one Whippet. The boys are the best of friends, and Martin was a strong "leader of the pack". After Martin passed away, his son Ruben took over as packleader. He is a strong Chief, just like his wonderful father was.
I got my first dog in 1978, when I was 7 years old. She was a mix between Giant Schnauzer (her mom) and a bloke she met on the mountain... Toya looked like a Schnauzer, she was my best friend and "sister" as we were growing up. She died in 1995, 16 1/2 years old! We went for walks in the forrest every day. Toya was a very healthy girl! She got a stroke at the age of 14, but she was determined to get well, so after beeing a little "shabby" for a week, she was up and about again, and two weeks after the stroke we went for walks in the woods again! Toya was a faithful and wonderful friend, and it was a joy to grow up with her!
In january 1993, I got Julius - a 7 year old Belgian Sheperd (Tervueren). He and Toya became best friends. Julius was a happy and very cuddly boy. He also was a very healthy dog, and died at the age of 14!
The Pyrenean Mountain Dogs came into my life when I met Hilde Aune at kennel Cubilon in 1992. I fell totally in love with this wonderful breed! So in 1994, my first Pyrenean was born:
Heike - Ch. Cubilon's Eugenie Enfin, my bloodbrother, my soul and very best friend! He was a giant, both mentally and otherwise, a huge boy. He died nearly 9 years old of bonecancer, in october 2003. I still miss him a lot, and I will never forget him.
Rayek was born in 1999, a wonderful friend! He passed away in October'08, 9 1/2 years old.
Martin came into my life like a fun little hurricane in 2000 and he still livens up the place, the "little" rascal. He lives his life with a lot of enthusiasm and joy!
Martin sadly died in March 2008, a huge loss. He was my whole life, and he will always be with me in my heart and soul. We'll meet again you and I, Martin...
Ruben is Martin's son, born March 2005. He is a very kind and happy boy, with a "hint of madness".
Morris is Martin's grandson, born July 2008. He is a lively "little" rascal!
Normann is Heike's and Martin's nephew, and Rayek's cousin. He was born in September 2008, and he is a powerful young man with a delightful temperament, but he has a touch of "Norwegian Troll" in him ;o)
Spencer is Normann's son. A calm, pleasent and kind boy. He is still only a puppy, but he is quite powerful with good bones and angulations. I love him to bits, and find him very promising.
Tobias is the little mascott, a Whippet with a lot of guts. He loves to cuddle up in the PMDs coat. Tobias was born September 2004, and is co-owned with Arne Foss, kennel Paper Moon.
Hampus is Martin's grandson, born August 2005, and he is owned by Harald. He is a playful guy, and Ruben's "side-kick". Hampus admires the older boys, and they totally adopted him.
Hampus & Harald came into our lives in 2006, when Hampus was about 9 months.
We take the boys on all kinds of activities; walks in the nature/forrest, trips to Trondheim City (very popular for both the boys and the people we meet! "Polobears of Norway"...), and we attend Dog Shows. Martin, Ruben and I love DogShows!!
When I'm not at home with the boys, I am a specialeducated socialworker, I work with both children with behaviourproblems and drugaddicts. I sometimes take the dogs with me, and it is wonderful to see them with these special people - and they love the dogs, too. A "win-win-situation"! The dogs reduce aggression and anger, especially among the drugaddicts. Wonderful to see! The dogs have enormous mental strength, and they are very calm and secure among all kinds of people. I love my dogs - and I am very proud of them.
Hilde Stenstad & the boys